Cedars House

Built in 1758 for Charles Tudway (1713-70), owner of enslaved Africans on Parham Plantations in Antigua and MP for Wells (1754-1761). Cedars House was the family’s principal Wells residence until the early 20 th century. Charles’ wealth, created by the labour of enslaved people, financed the construction of The Cedars (original name). It is now owned by Wells Cathedral School. A copy of the ‘Charles Tudway, MP’ Oil painting by Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) remains inside.

'Charles Tudway, MP' Oil painting by Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788)

Related Talks & Resources

Talks and Resources connected to Cedars House

These talks reveal the findings of historical research that connects Cedars House to transatlantic slavery and considers the enduring legacies that exist today.

Video, Talk
Joy Lawrence OH
Antiguan Historian, Author and Poet
Video, Performance
Paterson Joseph, Actor and Author
Wells Cathedral School pupils perform Sancho’s “Twelve Country Dances”

The People

People and families connected to Cedars House

Cedars House has a complex history involving individuals and families who were involved in the transatlantic slave trade. It’s important to acknowledge their role and remember the enslaved people impacted by their actions.
Portrait of Charles Tudway, MP.
The Tudway family were important politicians and significant landowners in Wells, as well as owners of enslaved Africans on their plantation in Antigua.

Explore More Buildings

Learn about other historic buildings connected to transatlantic slavery